Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I surely hope I haven't misled the government

You, see, it's like this: I mailed off the census form today saying who lives at this address as of April Fool's Day and I intend to be at least vexed on that day if the list does not include me and my loved one. Growing up on the farm, I became accustomed to favorite animals going off to join the food chain while I was in school. This happened with "Sha's cow", who seemed a bit brighter than the rest. She it was who discovered she could grab a branch of an apple tree and shake it and down would come numerous apples for everyones enjoyment. She and I went through ringworm together, signs of which thinned the hairs on her Guernsey skin and still can be seen near my left elbow. I left her to go off to the cow college and when I returned, I found she had been judged menopausal, which in a cow means there is no longer any reason to produce milk, so off she goes to become ground beef. When my loved one hears this, she is apt to exclaim,"Enough with the Norwegian fatalism already!" Well, many good things come to and from the cow colleges of the nation. Not many years ago, a professor of some health science vacationing in her native Hungary decided to bring back cuttings of the local tart cherry that grows near Lake Balaton. My nephew and a former classmate planted a quantity of these trees, now named for the lake; I find the fruit spicier than the prevalent Montmorency and here I predict it will eventually be the preferred breed.

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