Monday, March 1, 2010

How did faded denim get to be people's Sunday best?

As your writer grew up on the farm in the Midwest, faded denim was a material one wore to milk the cows, squirt the cats in the face and remove evidence of bovine metabolism from the barn floor. UNfaded denim could be worn to school at a risk of being considered a hick and the necessity of running bases stiff legged until the pant legs would bend. Sunday wear for boys was at least trousers with a crease and perhaps a shirt with starched collar decorated by a necktie, tied four-in-hand by the geezer set or a Windsor knot by the style-conscious younger males. Girls wore frilly frocks; their mothers wore staid dresses or business wear.
Last Sunday, an informal survey in church by yours truly found roughly 50% faded denim among both male AND female, including the pastor's wife. Perhaps the latter made her decision using the Reader's Digest suggestion the lady considering this should seriously consider whether her end truly justified the jeans. Still, the thoughtful Lutheran wonders if such garb shows due respect to God.

1 comment:

  1. In the mid-1960's a rumor/thought/memo went around school that girls could now wear pants to school, and we RAN home (albeit it was next door and the run was not very long or very tiring) to tell our Mama the good news! She said "Girls may be wearing pants to school, but YOU, little lady, ARE NOT!"

    I wore dresses to school every day for the next 2 years. And I'm glad of it - dressing appropriately for the venue makes you feel more like you BELONG at the venue. Denim in church? Mama would roll over in her easy chair...
