Saturday, December 19, 2009

If you aren't conflicted, maybe you are not listening hard enough

When we are young, life is so simple and we see with a great clarity. But, age brings on a lot of skepticism, whch I now see as healthy. See, I grew up in outstate Michigan, which is about as rock-ribbed Republican as you are apt to see. One article of faith was that FDR was as close to the antichrist as any of us are apt to see. Walter Reuther and those auto workers in his union were practically communists, at least socialists. The Republican party, on the other hand, was full of hard headed realists whose fondest desire is worker welfare and thus to maintain their place at the public trough.
Recently, the hot topic of debate has been Reform of health care. 100 % of Republicans maintain that what was passed is prohibitively expensive, and they may be right. However, they have seemed at ease with paying for a monstrous tax cut for those who have the most and a very expensive war that was entered under false pretenses. What is a trusting farm boy to think?

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Question for my golfing friends

The report is that a neighbor of one Eldred Woods said Woods' injuries ar 2:30 A.M. last Friday don't look like what would be caused by a 9-iron wielded by a female Swede of a blond persuasion. What would a wound from a 9-iron look like?

Karma is greatly overrated

Well, see, we scheduled a trip to HMB to get any money and then give it for gas at a place that is 20=40 cents less than it takes in SF town. Now, I did not notice right away that two of the six pumps had orange cones next to them, so I waved a guy into one of the good ones and then
found out mine didn't work. So I spent 15 minutes trying to maneuver to a vacant one, getting yelled at by some redneck who seemed to think I did not give him enough room to turn around, that seeming to be his main reason for coming off the street. Presently I spoke politely to a young woman was occupying one useable space, having fueled and made an cell phone call and then seemed to be just sitting there. I inquired if she was spending the day and she said not any longer, so finally. Good thing I had given madame my Visa back at the 99 cent store. By the time I returned, she had moved on to our WholePaycheck grocery ripoff, where the qeezer set gets 10% 0ff. However, had I not given up that first place, what would I write on today?