Sunday, May 23, 2010

Rampant Immorelity!!

It's been a funny year, the locals say, but aren't they all? Cherry blossoms were pretty much gone
before our (the Californians) arrival a week or so into May. For this blogger, the harvesting of the local mushroom with French name "morels" has always been an existential thing. Many people are better at it than he. Still, neither he nor his helpmate have found one in two weeks. There may be fungus among us but they seem to be staying underground. However, those of us who would be standup comedians find some punchlines too good to pass up. Hence, our tital. Enjoy. Bon appetit even, if you find some.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

To everything, there is a season

"Local conditions may vary". On Norwegian Independence Day. the Asparagus Goddess of Leelanau Township ventured into the field which could once have provided 20 pounds of produce at this stage of the year. A determined reconnaissance yielded 21 stalks total. "Another proof of global warming, we say". The simple-minded response is certainly satisfying. to wit: "If, as you say, the earth is warming up, why is the wather so cold, with several feet of new snow in the Rockies and floods other places?"
Nothing is simple, folks. Green-house gases in the atmosphere cause it to absorb a higher percentage of the sun's radiation. Averaging over the whole earth, including many acres of ocean without weather stations, it is warming up, providing the energy to produce violent results, such as tornadoes, typhoons and hailing taxicabs. (Beg pardon. the blogger could not resist a third grade joke) Thus, although an asparagus festival was held Sunday some 25 miles to the southwest, perhaps they shipped produce in from semitropical Southern Michigan.
A somewhat more enlightening expression than global warning might be "climate change". Unless we make substantial changes in the amount of carbon dioxide we put into the air. we may not see what we expect as an asparagus season, or smelt runs or the alewife plague. And unless we quit mortgaging our land to the Chinese, our grandchildren may curse the day we resolved to ignore the warning signs