Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Karma is greatly overrated

Well, see, we scheduled a trip to HMB to get any money and then give it for gas at a place that is 20=40 cents less than it takes in SF town. Now, I did not notice right away that two of the six pumps had orange cones next to them, so I waved a guy into one of the good ones and then
found out mine didn't work. So I spent 15 minutes trying to maneuver to a vacant one, getting yelled at by some redneck who seemed to think I did not give him enough room to turn around, that seeming to be his main reason for coming off the street. Presently I spoke politely to a young woman was occupying one useable space, having fueled and made an cell phone call and then seemed to be just sitting there. I inquired if she was spending the day and she said not any longer, so finally. Good thing I had given madame my Visa back at the 99 cent store. By the time I returned, she had moved on to our WholePaycheck grocery ripoff, where the qeezer set gets 10% 0ff. However, had I not given up that first place, what would I write on today?

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