Saturday, October 17, 2009

Why do I write? Why not a book

Down thru the years, a number of people have allowed as how they find my writing amusing, a source of wisdom, or other flattering attention. As I count, I guess I have written about four lengthy manuscripts. To get a phD, is electrical engineering, I wrote a dissertation "Effects of Electron Beam Confinement on klustyron efficiency. For courses i was teaching, put together extended notes to use in lieu if textbooks; the first was "Sound, Acoustics and Noise Pollution."
Then I wrote "Electromagnetics with Design". Finally, for a publisher, I did "Circuit Design for High Frequencies and Microwaves" Worldwide, the latter has sold SEVERAL HUNDRED COPIES!!, meaning that I have yet to be paid minimum wage for the work.
Instead, I think will I get some fulfillment out of posting very small bites of old wisdom I have come upon, or occasional new insights which occur to me. I have borrowed other peoples' insights down thru the years. The first person who really spoke to me was Charles Schultz. His Peanuts comic strip spoke to me a lot. Maybe the midwestern background was a large part of his appeal to me; Like Charlie Brown, I have never place-kicked a football; however I can throw a Frisbie backhaND and taught my #1 son how. which stood him in good stead until he learned to throw it f0rehand at Onterlochen Internati0onal Music camp, leading to world-wide travel to tournaments in Ultimate(soccer with a Frisbie) tounaments in St.Andrews, Stuttgart and Honolulu. I guess the wisdom insight as that you can never predict the consequences of seemingly trivial choices.

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