Sunday, May 15, 2011

Is Heartburn diagnosed in the BiBle?

Those who know the writer and his delight with puns and other word play probably already expect an affirmative answer and are racking their brains for an answer. Well, the gospel of Luke, probably the most poetic of them qll begins with guys camping out with the sheep to chase off the wolves, and ends with the Easter story. A couple of men from the suburb 10-12 km from Jerusalem are heading home, greatly depressed. A third man draws near and asks what is depressing them. They say, are you the only pilgrim to Jerusalem who has not heard or Jesus of Nazareth, who we thought would rescue us from the Romans, but the priests turned him over soldiers, who crucified him. But, they could not kill the idea and rumors are flying that people hAVE SEEN HIM ALIVE. The man starts explaining that the prophets predicted all this. Presently, they arrived at the home of the two men and they invite the stranger in for a bite. He blesses the food and and at least one exclaims the original form of OMG! and the stranger vanishes. They eat not a bite but head back to Jerusalem, saying "Did not our hearts burn within us when he was opening the scriptures to us?"

The writer wondered about medical knowledge in King JAMES' dAY. Did the doctors of the day know that stomach gas and nausea might accompany a heart attack? The writer is not quthoritative in tat area. If, however one is obsessed with cylindricq streams of electrons flowing through qn evacuated, pipe, There, he has well placed authority and a Ph.D. Happy Hunting!

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